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Showa-ku, Nagoya 4668555 JAPAN
Welcome! Here at Lee Laboratory of Nagoya Institute of Technology, we are conducting research on speech recognition, speech dialogue, natural language processing, speech interface, and speech interaction, targeting human-to-human and human-to-machine communication using speech and language.
Our aim is to develop technologies for intelligent information processing, including speech, language, and dialogue, as well as realize natural and easy-to-use voice and language interfaces.
LEE Akinobu was born in Kyoto, Japan, on December 19, 1972. He received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in information science, and the Ph.D. degree in informatics from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1996, 1998 and 2000, respectively. He worked on Nara Institute of Science and
Technology as an assistance professor from 2000-2005. Currently he
is a professor of Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan. His research interests include speech recognition, spoken language understanding, and spoken dialogue system. He is a member of IEEE, ISCA, JSAI, IPSJ and the Acoustical Society of Japan. He is also a developer of open-source speech recognition software Julius and CG agent-based speech interaction toolkit MMDAgent.
Julius version 4.6 has been released. You can get it from its GitHub site.
What’s new in Julius-4.6 Julius-4.6 is a minor release with new features and fixes, including GPU integration and grammar handling updates.
GPU-based DNN-HMM computation (Take a look at v4.6 performance comparison on YouTube!)
Now Julius can compute DNN-HMM with GPU. Total decoding will be four times faster than CPU-based computation on Julius-4.5.
Requires CUDA version 8, 9 or 10.
Julius has merged a pull request that adds a new feature “grammar search on the 1st pass”. To use it, get the latest code on master branch.
It enables applying full grammar on the 1-pass, thus outputs more reliable (grammar-constrained) result at the 1st pass.
Background The grammar-based recognition on Julius does not apply the full grammar on the 1st pass, but applies only the word-pair constraint extracted from the grammar for efficiency.
The graduation thesis presentation meeting was held. The following ten members gave presentations:
松岡 優太「楽曲の再生履歴情報を用いた GA による自動メロディ生成」 中川 樹「ホルンを対象とした音響信号による音色悪化要因判別」 尾関 日向「音楽音響信号を対象としたギターパートの分離」 池田 将「対話的楽曲推薦を目的とした発話からの感情要素と感情強度推定手法」 高井 幸輝「マルチコーパスおよびマルチラベルを用いた Pre-training Fusion による自発音声の感情分類」 岡本 空大「ニューラルネットワークを用いた講演音声の自動発話印象推定における推定精度の向上」 大平原 海斗「Weakly-labeled Data を用いた音響イベント検出」 加藤 弘泰「音声対話システムにおけるユーザ話速およびコーパスに基づく話速制御」 西山 達也「話者情報を用いたBERTによる複数人対話における応答選択」 石島 侑弥「対話状態追跡における対話行為タグを用いた重要対話履歴抽出」
The 2019 master’s thesis review meeting was held. The following members gave presentations:
森 凜太朗「言語対の音素事後確率を用いた第二言語学習者の発音習熟度判別」 降籏 暢基「擬人化エージェントを用いた情動表出による対話性認知の獲得」 冨田 直希「頑健な音声対話システムのための言語情報と統計情報による対話シナリオ拡張」 尾関 晃英「ニューラル対話システムにおける発話評価器を用いたスタイル性の高い応答文生成」 田中 涼太「収束的- 拡散的デコーディングを用いた事実知識に基づく対話生成」 神谷 祐太朗「バイオリンを対象とした楽譜情報からのビブラート予測」 河島 有孝「コード認識による押弦絞り込みを取り入れた異弦同音を区別可能な演奏音からのタブ譜推定」 谷口 拓海「音色とピッチの揺らぎを考慮した歌声区間推定」 NGUYEN TU NAM「転移学習と合成画像を用いた指文字認識」
Ryota Tanaka (M2)‘s paper has been published at Computer Speech & Language jounal.
Ryota Tanaka, Akihide Ozeki, Shugo Kato, Akinobu Lee, “Context and Knowledge Aware Dialogue System and System Combination for Grounded Response Generation” In Proc. Computer Speech & Language Journal, vol. 62, July 2020. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0885230820300036
A paper entitled “Speaker Aware BERT for Multi-Party Dialogue Selection” by Tatsuya Nishiyama has been accepted for poster presentation at AAAI2020/DSTC8, which will be held on New York on February 8, 2020.